Albania Joins Shuttle Time Party

June 14, 2022

In May 2022, Albania became the 151st country to implement the Shuttle Time Schools Programme.

Led by Italian Badminton Federation’s Shuttle Time Tutor Alessandro Readelli, the Shuttle Time Teachers Course took place for the very first time in the city of Korça on 7-8 May and was attended by 11 mostly young participants (five male, six female).

To make the process easier and the lessons understandable in a nation where badminton is not a major sport, the Albania Badminton Federation (ABF) translated the Shuttle Time Resources into the Albanian language. The resources are in the final stage of desktopping and will be available by the end of July.

The realisation of this course makes it possible to increase the number of badminton teachers in Albanian schools. The 11 who participated in May will now introduce the sport in their schools using Shuttle Time lessons.

ABF is also making plans to hold more sessions, especially the Shuttle Time Tutors Course.