February – Playing A Net Rally
In this activity, you will learn to relax fingers to change between grips without turning the hand (finger-work). The teacher will ask two pupils practice net shots by playing a game in the net area.
January – Grip Change Tic Toc
In this activity, reminds pupils of the two grips used in badminton. Demonstrate change of grip by rolling racket grip with a thumb. For safety, to keep pupils well spaced apart.
December – The Smash
Pupils work in pairs and practice shadowing the smash. After that, progress by practicing with shuttles.
November – Block Defence
Block meaning be in ready position with knees flexed, weight forward and racket in front of body. You might be tempted to play it very softly, with a high, looping path so that it falls back very tight to the net; but this gives your opponent too much time. As a rough guide, aim for your block to land near the short service line.
October – Racket And Shuttle Relays
For Racket and Shuttle Relays activity, pupils need to work in teams. Teacher creates relays with technical challenges related to technical abilities of the pupils.
September – Backhand Lift “Merry Go Round”
In this activity, the exercise is practice progressing to “Merry-Go-Round”, where the racket is held out in front of the body, racket head above hand with relaxed reach. This activity aims to make a lift look like a net shot.
August – Throwing Team Game
In this activity, work in teams, one team starts with a shuttle and uses throws to team mates. Each successful throw and catch scores a point. If the shuttle is dropped, shuttle goes to the other team. The opposing team tries to intercept the shuttle.
July – Forehand Clear
The purpose of the forehand clear is used to force your opponent to the rear court. It can be played as an attacking shot or as a defensive shot. The attacking clear is hit faster and flatter into the rear corners. The defensive clear is hit much higher and despite giving your opponent time to get behind the shuttle – it also gives you more time to get back to a base position.
June – Backhand Short Serve
In this activity you will learn the repetition of thumb grip and then learn the backhand serve. Teacher demonstrates a backhand serve, aiming to get the shuttle in area. For example, from low service line into opposite service area.
May – Introduction Net Shots – Backhand & Forehand Side
Start with backhand, then forehand, then alternately. Practice first without leg movement, then with lunge.
April- Balancing Shuttles 2
In this activity, pupils balance an upturned shuttle on their heads whilst walking forward using a basic lunge technique.
March – Overhead Drop Shot
This activity must be play in 3 and focus on correct overhead hitting technique and the accuracy of dropshot.
February – Hitting With Change Of Grip
In this activity, Teacher needs to use hoops or draw targets on the wall. Pupils work in pairs and practice hitting targets using change of grips hitting a shuttle thrown by partner (with or without net).
January – Balance The Racket
The main teaching points for teacher in this activity is using variation with pupils forming circle and teacher signals “left” or “right”.
December – Forehand Lift Merry Go Round
In forehand lift activity, teacher must concentrate on correct the racket technique. Teacher could use balloons for the start of the exercise and make sure group is well spaced apart.
November – Dynamic Balance
Each player has a shuttle and standing on one leg. In Dynamic Balance activity teacher will emphasize balance techniques and a controlled pace of exercise.
Pupils place the shuttle as far in front themselves as possible and returns to standing position on one leg without falling over. Then, remaining on one leg, retrieve the shuttle and return to starting position without falling over.
October – Group Feed With Choice
This activity requires work in groups, pupils form a line in front of feeder. Feeder has the choice to throw to the left or right. No need for net or court in this activity but feeder needs to give sufficient time for pupils to achieve objectives.
September – Net King
In Net King activity, ensure use of correct grip, early impact with the shuttle, moving at all times using split step, chasses and lunge back and forth – racket up and use timed games for larger groups to avoid waiting times.
August – Introducing Racket Speed
In this activity, you will learn how to throw exercise for racket speed. Hold racket in front of body, start with relaxed grip, then tighten grip to generate power, short racket movements, very small follow through.
July – Keep The Shuttle Up Thumb Grip
Working with a shuttle and a racket, in this activity children asked to keep shuttle up in the air with back of hand leading and thumb grip. Start by holding the racket at its t-piece with thumb and forefinger on the frame of the racket head.
June – Chasse Steps For Net Play
In this activity, pupils work in pairs – line the pairs up facing each other – about 3 metres apart. One partner throws the shuttle; the other partner is practising forehand and backhand net shots. Teacher will ask pupils to change roles after 12 shots each. Start with backhand, then forehand, then progress by alternating between forehand and backhand net shots.
May – Chasse Game
In this activity, pupils work in pairs facing each other. One pupil holds bean bag (or shuttle) and is the “leader”. The other one is the “chaser” and must follow. The “leader” throws the bean bag and the “chaser” tries to catch and return it.
April – Having A Lunge
In this activity, pupils stand in line and make a step with racket ending with the “racket foot” in front of them finishing with shadowing net shot.
March – Balance And Throw
Balance is very important to control movements in badminton, for example, lunge movements and landing after jumps.
February – Grip Change With Shuttle
In this activity, pupils work in pairs practicing changing grips by hitting a shuttle thrown by their partner alternately to forehand and backhand sides.
January – Grip Change With Balloon
In this activity, Teachers demonstrates the change between the grips. Children will asked to keep balloon in the air three times with thumb grip and then three times with basic grip.
December – Scissor Jump
The scissor jump is the main movement used to hitting the rear-court.
November – Throwing Game
Pupils work in groups ideally about 6. Every child has a shuttle, beanbag or sponge ball. Pupils throw the shuttle/beanbag/ball; as high as possible, as far as possible and/or combination of the two using a target.
October – Dice Run Game
This game gives a chance for slower pupils to keep up as they may roll a higher number with the dice.
September – The Golf Game
In here, pupils work in teams and line up with three shuttles per team placed on the floor. On signal they pick up a shuttle and sprint and lunge to place the shuttle before returning to the baseline to pick the other shuttles.
August – Shuttle Run Team Game
In here, pupils work in teams and line up with three shuttles per team placed on the floor. On signal they pick up a shuttle and sprint and lunge to place the shuttle before returning to the baseline to pick the other shuttles.
July – Backhand Short Serve Team Competition
In this activity, pupils play a serve competition into a target (i.e. a box). At the start they have a lot of shuttles laying in a hoop (at least 10 per person). When finished, teacher will count how many they hit into the box. The fastest team gets one extra point.
June – Merry Go Round
In this activity, two teams of players stand one behind each other and play against each other. The court is the area between net and the service line.
May – Tag Game
In this activity, one pupil is chosen to be the ‘chaser’ and must try to ‘tag’ or touch all the other players.
April – Balance Exercise
In forehand lift activity, teacher must concentrate on correct the racket technique. Teacher could use balloons for the start of the exercise and make sure group is well spaced apart.
March – Playing A Net Rallly
In this activity, you will learn to relax fingers to change between grips without turning the hand (finger-work).
February – Mirror Chase
In this activity, pupils are divided into pairs facing each other. One pupil is the “leader” and the other one is the “chaser”.
January – Backhand Thumb Grip With Balloon
In this activity, the children will work with a balloon and a racket, children asked to keep balloon up in the air with back of hand leading and moving up away from the body.
December – Forehand & Backhand Lift Merry Go Round
In this activity, teacher throws shuttles and one by one the pupils move to the shuttle by using chasse steps and lunge. Groups of 4-6 pupils start from the centre of the court.
November – Forehand Lift
In forehand lift activity, teacher must concentrate on correct the racket technique. Teacher could use balloons for the start of the exercise and make sure group is well spaced apart.
October – Chasse and Hit: Backhand Side
This activity basically has the same activity with L5V3 Chasse and hit: forehand side. Teacher needs to repeat the exercise in L5V3 to the other side of the court.
September – Hitting With Change Of Grip
In this activity, Teacher needs to use hoops or draw targets on the wall. Pupils work in pairs and practice hitting targets using change of grips hitting a shuttle thrown by partner (with or without net).
August – Statutes
In this activity, the teacher should start with fast feet. Pupils work in groups face away from teacher or helper. Pupils move ‘on the spot’ – “happy feet”. Teacher gives signal (clap, stamp or whistle) pupils start and move as quickly as possible in selected direction.
July – Happy Feet
In this activity, the teacher should start with fast feet. Pupils work in groups face away from teacher or helper. Pupils move ‘on the spot’ – “happy feet”. Teacher gives signal (clap, stamp or whistle) pupils start and move as quickly as possible in selected direction.
June – Balancing Shuttle
In this activity, pupils balance upturned shuttle on their heads whilst walking forward using a basic lunge technique. Teacher can ask the children to balance on one leg and throw and catch shuttle.
May – Forehand Basic Grip With Balloon
In this activity, pupils practice midcourt drives (backhand to forehand) from tramlines and tramlines (5-6 metres). Start with backhand serve. The challenge is to hit the opponent’s body below head height to score a point. The objective is to increase racket speed by playing fast flat rallies around the body.
April – Midcourt Game With Body Hits
In this activity, pupils practice midcourt drives (backhand to forehand) from tramlines and tramlines (5-6 metres). Start with backhand serve. The challenge is to hit the opponent’s body below head height to score a point. The objective is to increase racket speed by playing fast flat rallies around the body.
March – Backhand Lift
Before starting, make sure group is well spaced out. Use the whole available space. Start practising the backhand lift-every pupil has a racket and shuttle as high as possible in the air using the backhand only. Progress by working in pairs-feeder slowly throws the shuttles and their partner hits a backhand lift as far and as high as possible. After that, the feeder runs back to baseline and tries to catch the shuttle. The feeder cannot move until the shuttle is struck.
February – Chasse Game
In this activity, pupils work in pairs facing each other. One pupil holds bean bag (or shuttle) and is the “leader”. The other one is the “chaser” and must follow. The “leader” throws the bean bag and the “chaser” tries to catch and return it..
January – Balloon Tap
The objective of this, is to hit the maximum number of shots in the time allowed. If they make a mistake, the score goes back to zero.
December – How Many Shots Per Minute?
The objective of this, is to hit the maximum number of shots in the time allowed. If they make a mistake, the score goes back to zero.
November – Net Shot And Lift Rally
In this activity, in pairs pupils play net rallies on the front court, when they are in a good position and decide, they can lift the shuttle aiming to hit a target they win a point. If they don’t hit the target a point is taken off their score. Rally ends when one of the players hits a lift.
October – Relay Games Run And Throw
In this activity children will run forward, backward and throw. Chase and throw, as well.
September – Calf Touching
In this activity, pupils work in pairs facing each other with low centre of gravity (racket leg forward). Safety is priority in this game. Emphasise in keeping safe distance between partners/pairs to avoid running into each other. In “Calf-Touching”activity, one pupil is the “attacker”. He places ‘racket’ arm forward trying to touch their opponent’s calf. […]
August – “Balance The Racket”
The main teaching points for teacher in this activity is using variation with pupils forming circle and teacher signals “left” or “right”. Another things are increase the distance between partners and start with shorter distance and gradually increase the difficulty. Lesson 9: Forehand Lift Video available in Spanish and French
July – Mirror Chasse with Throwing
In this activity, pupils remain in pairs facing each other. One pupil holds a bean bag (or shuttle) and is the “leader”. The “leader” throws the bean bag and the “chaser” tries to catch it and return it. Lesson 2: Grip Changes and Footwork Video available in Spanish and French
June – Backhand Short Serve
In this activity you will learn the repetition of thumb grip and then learn the backhand serve. Teacher demonstrates a backhand serve, aiming to get the shuttle in area. For example, from low service line into opposite service area. Lesson 7: Serve and Rally Video available in Spanish and French
May – Balloon Tap Relay Game
In this activity, pupils work in teams. Line up at one end of hall. Each team is given a balloon and they must run down the hall and back tapping the balloon with their hands to prevent the balloon from touching the floor – and passes the balloon to the next person in the team. […]
April – Mirror Chase with Throwing
In this activity, pupils remain in pairs facing each other. One pupil holds a bean bag (or shuttle) and is the “leader”. The “leader” throws the bean bag and the “chaser” tries to catch it and return it. Lesson 7: Serve and Rally Video available in Spanish and French
March – Net Singles
Pupils work in pairs on half court playing net rallies starting with backhand low serve. In this activity, allow pupils to play on larger area and using both forehand and backhand net shots (split step, chasse and lunge). Lesson 7: Serve and Rally Video available in Spanish and French
February – Chasse and Hit: Backhand Side
This activity basically has the same activity with L5V3 Chasse and hit: forehand side. Teacher needs to repeat the exercise in L5V3 to the other side of the court. Lesson 5: Revision Games Video available in Spanish and French
December – Throwing Team Game
In this activity, work in teams, one team starts with a shuttle and uses throws to team mates. Each successful throw and catch scores a point. If the shuttle is dropped, shuttle goes to the other team. The opposing team tries to intercept the shuttle. When shuttle is dropped possession goes to the other team. […]
November – Scissor Jump Practice
In this activity, pupils with racket standing sideways on a line, weight on the racket leg. On signal pupils make a scissor jump and move forward after landing. Lesson 13: Clear with Scissor Jump Video available in Spanish and French
October – Forehand Lift: “Merry- Go-Round” and Hit: Forehand Side
In this activity, groups of 4-6 pupils start from the centre of the court. Teacher/helper throws shuttles and one by one the pupils execute forehand lift by using start, split step and lunge. In this activity, when working with “multi-shuttles” be aware of shuttles lying on the courts. Lesson 9: Forehand Lift Video available in Spanish and French
September – Chasse and Hit: Forehand Side
In here, pupils will work in groups with one “feeder”. Feeder throws shuttle to forehand side, player chasseing to forehand and hits the shuttle with basic grip. After hitting the shuttle, player returns to the back of the line ready for his next turn. Lesson 5: Revision Games Video available in Spanish and French
August- Keep The Court Free
Team of 4-6 pupils play against each other on either side of a net. Each player holds one shuttle. On teacher’s signal, everyone throws their shuttle high and far to the other. Lesson 11: Midcourt Drives Video available in Spanish and French
July – Backhand Lift “Merry- Go-Round”
In this activity, the exercise is practice progressing to “Merry-Go-Round”, where the racket is held out in front of the body, racket head above hand with relaxed reach. This activity aims to make a lift look like a net shot. Lesson 8: Backhand Lift Video available in Spanish and French
June – Playing a Net Rally
In this activity, teacher should start on smaller area and increase difficulty gradually on larger area by using both forehand and backhand net shots (split step, chasse and lunge). Teacher should concentrate on the correct technique (no competitive situation). Lesson 4: Net and Starting Video available in Spanish and French
May – Balancing Shuttles 2
In this activity, pupils balance an upturned shuttle on their heads whilst walking forward using a basic lunge technique. Lesson 10: Revision Games Video available in Spanish and French
April – Flat Play
In here, pupils work in pairs to play a rally with forehand or backhand drive only. Partners are working without net 5-6 meters away from each other (side lines). Start the rally with reduced speed concentrating on correct execution. Lesson 11: Midcourt Drives Video available in Spanish and French
March – Keep the Shuttle Up: Thumb Grip
Working with a shuttle and a racket, in this activity children asked to keep shuttle up in the air with back of hand leading and thumb grip. Start by holding the racket at its t-piece with thumb and forefinger on the frame of the racket head. Lesson 7: Serve and Rally Video available in Spanish and French
February – Dice Run Games
This game gives a chance for slower pupils to keep up as they may roll a higher number with the dice. Pupils work in teams and line up at the start. They must run a distance of approximately 20 meters there and back. When a player returns, he must roll a dice and write down […]
January – “Chasse Steps for Net Play”
In this activity, pupils work in pairs – line the pairs up facing each other – about 3 metres apart. One partner throws the shuttle; the other partner is practising forehand and backhand net shots. Teacher will ask pupils to change roles after 12 shots each. Start with backhand, then forehand, then progress by alternating […]
December – Dynamic Balance
Each player has a shuttle and standing on one leg. In Dynamic Balance activity teacher will emphasize balance techniques and a controlled pace of exercise. Pupils place the shuttle as far in front themselves as possible and returns to standing position on one leg without falling over. Then, remaining on one leg, retrieve the shuttle […]
November – “Racket and Shuttle Relays”
For Racket and Shuttle Relays activity, pupils need to work in teams. Teacher creates relays with technical challenges related to technical abilities of the pupils. For example: Relay with hitting the shuttle up in the air with forehand or backhand or alternate between forehand and backhand. Lesson 7: Serve and Rally Video available in Spanish and French
October – Shuttle Run Team Game
In here, pupils work in teams and line up with three shuttles per team placed on the floor. On signal they pick up a shuttle and sprint and lunge to place the shuttle before returning to the baseline to pick the other shuttles. The second player has to do the same but bring the shuttles […]
September – “Table Tennis Style Net Doubles”
In this activity, at the beginning of the game all players must stand outside the gaming area. Player 1 starts with a service or throws into the playing area. After that both pairs must hit alternately. After every shot the player must run to the rear court and touch the back doubles service line with […]
August- “Backhand Serve: Team Competition”
In this activity, pupils play a serve competition into a target (i.e. a box). At the start they have a lot of shuttles laying in a hoop (at least 10 per person). When finished, teacher will count how many they hit into the box. The fastest team gets one extra point. Lesson 7: Serve and […]
July – “Introducing Racket Speed”
In this activity, you will learn how to throw exercise for racket speed. Hold racket in front of body, start with relaxed grip, then tighten grip to generate power, short racket movements, very small follow through. Lesson 11: Midcourt Drives Video available in Spanish and French
June – “The Golf Game”
In the Golf Game activity, pupils practice the high serve, they must hit the shuttle from the starting point into a target with few shots as possible. To hit as far as possible they use the movement of underarm rotation. Beginners can flick the shuttle out of hand so that they don’t miss it. For […]
May – “Group Feed With Choice”
This activity requires work in groups, pupils form a line in front of feeder. Feeder has the choice to throw to the left or right. No need for net or court in this activity but feeder needs to give sufficient time for pupils to achieve objectives. Lesson 5: Revision Games Video available in Spanish and French
April- “Balance The Racket”
The main teaching points for teacher in this activity is using variation with pupils forming circle and teacher signals “left” or “right”. Another things are increase the distance between partners and start with shorter distance and gradually increase the difficulty. Lesson 9: Forehand Lift Video available in Spanish and French
March – “Throwing Game”
Pupils work in groups ideally about 6. Every child has a shuttle, beanbag or sponge ball. Pupils throw the shuttle/beanbag/ball; as high as possible, as far as possible and/or combination of the two using a target. Lesson 11: Midcourt Drives Video available in Spanish and French
February – “Net King”
In Net King activity, ensure use of correct grip, early impact with the shuttle, moving at all times using split step, chasses and lunge back and forth – racket up and use timed games for larger groups to avoid waiting times. Lesson 6: Revision Games Video available in Spanish and French
January – “Having a Lunge”
In this activity, pupils stand in line and make a step with racket ending with the “racket foot” in front of them finishing with shadowing net shot. Lesson 3: Net and Lunge Video available in Spanish and French
December -“Merry-Go-Round”
In this activity, two teams of players stand one behind each other and play against each other. The court is the area between net and the service line. Here, player 1 of team A starts with a service or throw into the playing area between net and the service line. Teacher, don’t forget to use […]
November-“Mirror Chase
In this activity, pupils are divided into pairs facing each other. One pupil is the “leader” and the other one is the “chaser”. Using chase steps, the “leader” moves laterally and changes directions trying to escape from the “chaser”. In this case, the “chaser” must follow and try to keep up with the “leader”. Lesson […]
October-“Balloon Tap”
In this activity, every second pupil is given a balloon. They must run in pairs “tapping” the balloon with their hands to avoid the balloon touching the floor. By the end of this activity the pupils will be able to demonstrate a relaxed reach when striking the shuttle (or soft ball/balloon). Lesson 1: Basic Grips […]
September-“Tagging Game”
In this activity, one pupil is chosen to be the ‘chaser’ and must try to ‘tag’ or touch all the other players. If a pupil is ‘tagged’ by the chaser, they must complete two laps around the outside of the playing area before they can re-join the game. Teacher must remember, the game is over […]
August-“Mirror Chase”
In this activity, pupils are divided into pairs facing each other. One pupil is the “leader” and the other one is the “chaser”. Using chasse steps, the “leader” moves laterally and changes directions trying to escape from the “chaser”. In this case, the “chaser” must follow and try to keep up with the “leader”. Lesson […]
This activity requires 10 minutes duration, where players run around the hall in any direction, when the teacher shouts “Statues”, the players have to stop as soon as possible. The players have to be stationary for 5 seconds and then the teacher shouts ‘warm up’ and the players start running around the hall again. Find […]
June-Calf Touching
In this activity, pupils work in pairs facing each other with low centre of gravity (racket leg forward). Safety is priority in this game. Emphasise in keeping safe distance between partners/pairs to avoid running into each other. In “Calf-Touching” activity, one pupil is the “attacker”. He places ‘racket’ arm forward trying to touch their opponent’s [...]May-Balance Exercise
As we know, Balance is very important to control movement in badminton, In this activity, the exercise that teacher can ask children to do is standing on one leg and jump forward sideward, backward, sideward and forward again to train jumping on one leg. Video available in Spanish and French
April-Balance and Throw
Balance is very important to control movements in badminton, for example, lunge movements and landing after jumps. In this activity, pupils work in pairs facing each other standing on one leg. They have to maintain balance whilst throwing and catching a shuttle to each other. Take a look the video below for better understanding! Video […]
March-Hitting with Change of Grips
In this activity, Teacher needs to use hoops or draw targets on the wall. Pupils work in pairs and practice hitting targets using change of grips hitting a shuttle thrown by partner (with or without net). Video available in Spanish and French
February-Grip Change with Balloon
In this activity, Teachers demonstrates the change between the grips. Children will asked to keep balloon in the air three times with thumb grip and then three times with basic grip. Take a look the video below to learn more about Grip Change with Baloon! Video available in Spanish and French.
January-Grip Change with Shuttle
In this activity, pupils work in pairs practicing changing grips by hitting a shuttle thrown by their partner alternately to forehand and backhand sides. Take a look the video below to learn more about Grip Change with Shuttle! Video available in Spanish and French.
December-Playing a Net Rally
In this activity, teacher should start on smaller area and increase difficulty gradually on larger area by using both forehand and backhand net shots (split step, chasse and lunge). Teacher should concentrate on the correct technique (no competitive situation). Video available in Spanish and French.
November-Happy Feet
In this activity, the teacher should start with fast feet. Pupils work in groups, face away from teacher or helper. Pupils move ‘on the spot’ – “happy feet”. Teacher gives signal (clap, stamp or whistle) pupils start and move as quickly as possible in selected direction. Video available in Spanish and French.
October-Introduction Net Shots Backhand and Forehand
In this activity, we will learn: Preparation: hold racket out in front of the body (long arm) Backswing: very small with relaxed grip Forward swing: a gentle push over the net with relaxed grip and good finger control Follow through: as small as necessary. Start with backhand, then forehand, then alternately. Practice first without leg […]
September-Balancing Shuttles
In this activity, pupils balance upturned shuttle on their heads whilst walking forward using a basic lunge technique. Teacher can ask the children to balance on one leg and throw and catch shuttle. Video available in Spanish and French.
August-Mirror Chase with Throwing
In this activity, pupils remain in pairs facing each other. One pupil holds a bean bag (or shuttle) and is the “leader”. The “leader” throws the bean bag and the “chaser” tries to catch it and return it. To learn more about this activity, watch the video below: Video available in Spanish and French.
July-Backhand Thumb Grip with Balloon
In this activity, the children will work with a balloon and a racket, children asked to keep balloon up in the air with back of hand leading and moving up away from the body. In this activity, teacher should encourage creative routine, like standing, on one knee, both knees, sitting or lying down getting back […]
June-Balloon Tap Relay Game
In this activity, pupils work in teams. Line up at one end of hall.
May-Forehand Basic “V” Grip with Balloon
In this activity, pupils will focus on the basic “V” grip. Children work with a balloon and a racket, and are asked to keep balloon up in the air with basic V-grip.
April-Grip Change Tic-Toc
The teacher gives a signal like the Tic-Toc of a clock. Remind pupils of the basic v-grip and thumb grip.